10 Healthy Hair Styling Tips for Men to improve your lifestyle

How to make hair look few healthier and stylish? As most of the men groom themselves from top to bottom but some of the men forget to take care of their hairs. Maintaining healthy hair is also a very important agenda of your pro styling. So, if you are looking for amazing, incredible, healthy, shiny and smooth hair styling tips for men.

Healthy Hair Styling Tips

Here are some Styling Tips For Men which will improve your hair style immediately.

1. Use a Nice Hair Mask

Healthy Hair Styling Tips - Nice Hair Mask

If you are serious about nice healthy hair and dope hairstyle, you need to invest in a nice hair mask .There are variety of natural hair masks available like coconut oil mask and avocado mask which is very healthy for your hair and scalp. Coconut oil mask will hydrate your hair which gives a nice shine to your hair.

2. Moisturize your Hair with Argon oil

Healthy Hair Styling Tips - Argon oil

Argon oil is a prominent moisturizer which fights both dandruff and dry scalp and it is also rich in vitamin-E and antioxidants. It also helps to increase hair elasticity and make your hair look shiny. You must use argon oil before blow dry.

3. Skip Shampoo Days 

Most of the men doesn’t know that how many times they should shampoo their hair in a week. Shampooing your hair doesn’t mean to clean your hair every single day. Shampooing  basically cleanses your scalp from dirt and excess oil and rebuilt your scalp for better growth of your hair, which is good but excess shampooing can make your scalp looks dull and dry as it strips away all natural oil from scalp itself. So, it is very important that you must do shampoo for 2-3 times in a week.

4. Massage your Scalp Weekly

Massaging  your scalp will increase the blood flow to that area which stimulates hair growth. It also reduces the dandruff.

5.Wear Cap in High Sunlight

Healthy Hair Styling Tips - Wear Cap

In summers, if you are going outside for a long duration , then don’t go outside without wearing a cap because the extreme sun rays damages your scalp cells and it also causes hair fall.

6.Don’t Use Gel

If you want to style your hair , don’t use gel because it makes your hair very shiny and hard instead of soft and it sometimes also causes dandruff. Instead of using gel, you should try a high hold clay or wax.

7.Don’t Blow Dry Your Hair Too Close 

Healthy Hair Styling Tips

The issue of using the blow dryer too close to your hair is that it sucks the moisture out of your hair and your scalp which is obviously not good for you hair. So, while blow drying keep 4-5 inches of distance between your hair and the dryer.

8.Be Vocal and Maintain a Good Communication with Your Hairstylist 

You can have the best barber in the world but if there is any type of miscommunication, if you are not clear of what you want and what kind of hairstyle vision is in your mind,then you are not gonna happy with your results. So, have a  better communication with your barber, so that you get a satisfied result of your haircut.

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