Hair Loss In Men: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Eventually, we all know, each person sheds 100 hair strands per day. Not only women requires hair care, even men faces hair issues like hair loss in men, hair thinning, dandruff etc. which may affect their mental and physical behavior.

Hair loss can be scary! Yet, it’s true and common for men for being bald at some point of time. Male pattern baldness is one of the major problems men face which may cause being anguish and distress to their nature.

Hair Loss In Men

You must be wondering how much of men face these hair issues in their entire age!
Approximately, 25% of the men face male pattern baldness before the age of 21 and knowingly, almost 85% of the men faces baldness at the age of 50.

Causes Of Hair loss In Men or Male Pattern Baldness

causes of hair loss in men

Not only baldness, men facing dry scalp, dandruff is such hair issue which cannot be ignored. Before starting, we will have a look at some causes of these hair problems.

Here are some causes of common hair problems men faces usually. Typically, baldness or hair loss in men can be caused due to various factors including heredity to hormonal changes to diet.

Heredity : The most common cause of baldness is heredity condition called androgenic alopecia. This condition usually occurs with different kinds like baldness on the scalp in males.

Hormonal changes : Next cause would be hormonal changes occurring in a human body. In both male and female, a specific hormone called DHT is responsible in stopping the hair to grow normally.

Hairstyles : Tightly pulling back your hair using those gels can result in permanent hair loss.

Diet : One’s diet plays a crucial role in maintaining personality of human being. Either being a men or women, intake of wrong diet can result in this condition of hair loss.

Stress events : Stress not only causes mental health but do cause in physical structure of a person. Being in a stressful environment or gone through the phase is a major factor of thinning of the hair.

Signs Of Hair Problems In Men

Hair problems can arrive in different ways depending on the cause. So, eventually, what are the signs of these hair problems?

types of hair loss in men

Let’s consider some of them in males mainly.

Thinning on the top and center of the head : This type of hair loss mainly occurs due to ageing. Hair loss can be treated easily if caught early. Usually, the receding hairline goes small when thinning of hair starts. This is the most common sign to figure it out.

Sudden loss making patches onto hair : Unknowingly, due to stressful events, males suffer sudden loss creating patches around the hair which cannot be said as common.

Intense itching : Sometimes, you may face intense itching at some part of the head causing no growth on the particular area. This needs to treated early as infected area may take other turn.

Of course, there are many ways one can slow down or grow healthy hair. As soon as one has understood the cause of his baldness, the prevention is at it’s nearest point.

What type of diet one should adopt to stop hair loss?

salcon fish for hair loss in men

You will need a diet that address and includes all the thing your body needs for healthy hair.

The answer is raw vegetables and foods containing iron such as salmon fish, fresh parsley etc.

Let’s not forget about protein rich diet as hair follicles are made up of keratin. Eating a diet rich in protein will help you out in preventing hair loss. The good choices for protein rich foods include eggs, beans, nuts , chicken etc.

Is multivitamin good for stopping hair Breakage?


Biotin is a safe vitamin which is approved by FDA. It is not just helps in hair growth but improves the hair quality. Not much people know about biotin advantages, but let me tell you that biotin stimulates keratin production which is necessary for hair glands.

We there is no evidence that when biotin mixed with foods, can bring faster results to the hair. But consuming biotin tablets is one such way to see faster results.

Read more for best ideas for biotin supplements and more information regarding biotin benefits.

Vitamin C

Vitamin c is needed to absorb iron which is required to stop hair loss. Good sources of vitamin c are :

  • Citrus fruits like Orange, Kiwi, Strawberries etc.
  • Leafy vegetables like Broccoli etc.
  • Bell peppers

In your daily life, add some vitamins instead of consumption of supplements. There are various vitamin capsules available, which contains right amount of appropriate ingredients.


Iron deficiency can be resultant to your hair loss as iron produces hemoglobin which is circulated all over the body, also to the hair cells. Sources of iron which helps in less hair fall includes :

  • Dry fruits like Almonds
  • Tofu
  • Oats

Many more natural rich source of iron may helps in shedding off the hair lesser.


What is a zinc deficiency basically? When you’re taking less calories with less amount of protein rich foods, then it causes zinc deficiency, which definitely affects hair growth.

Zinc is needed for hair follicles to work actively and repair the affected glands.
Sources of zinc vitamin are Oatmeal, Nuts, Dark chocolate etc.

What Should Be Regular And Daily Routine One Must Follow To Reduce Hair Loss?

regular trimming for hair loss in men

1. Massage once a week

Massaging your hair with some essential oil will definitely lead to hair growth as well as less risk of infections like dandruff. Massaging may help in relaxing the hair follicles and helps to loss less hair from your head.

2. Regular shampooing

Regular washing your hair twice or thrice a week, make your scalp clean. Avoid washing your hair with hot water as hot water may lead to hair fall and dandruff on scalp. Use shampoo with less chemicals so that the risk of hair fall can be decreased.

3. Avoid brushing wet hair

Never brush out wet hair because wet hair follicles are weak, which may result in losing the hair if you comb on them. Always de-tangle your hair using your fingers or either use a wide wooden comb instead of plastic one.

4. Tight hairstyles

Not only women, but men too face hair loss if they make tight braids, buns or ponytails, which will provoke hair loss, too. Avoid using tight rubber bands and make your hair naturally open without any gel.

5. Using less of heating tools

Everyone knows that heating tools give rise in falling off hair strands per day. Heating tools weakens the hair quality which needs to be stopped. If still, you want to use these tools, prefer using aloe Vera gel before using as it may help in affecting less

6. De stress yourself

Sit down on a comfortable chair and relax! Yes, this is it. Just destress yourself, use some self care remedies and make your mind relax.

7. Keep hydrated

In particular, Drink at least 8 liters of water per day. Drinking water for less hair fall is as important as using some remedial methods. Just a basic routine follow up can change your routine stress.

8. Make your hair sweat free

Make your scalp sweat and moisture free. As, Whenever you feel this, go and wash out your hair as sweat can be harmful for hair as sweat glands can dehydrate your hair glands. The basic logic is that when sweat get mixed up with flakes, it blocks the hair follicles to work.

9. Regular trimming

When your hair is damaged and prone to breakage, regular haircuts and trimming can help it look better. Hair that is regularly trimmed is less likely to become damaged and develop brittle split ends, which can travel up your hair shaft toward your scalp.

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