Remedies for Dark Neck to Make Your Skin Tone Even

Remedies for Dark Neck to Make Your Skin Tone Even

Sometimes, Our neck appears darker than our face color. It looks very dull and pigmented. Dark neck is a very common problem which many people face. It can occur due to reasons like poor hygiene, diabetes, over sun exposure, pollution, wearing artificial jewelry, and health effects.

Dark Neck

So, don’t worry there are many ways to get rid of neck blackness.

First Step

The first step is to take a towel and dip it in hot water and then wrap it around your neck. We did this to open up the pores. Do this step for 10-15 minutes.

Second Step

The second step in this process is to exfoliate your neck area. For this, you can use homemade scrubs, by using sugar and honey or baking soda and lemon or you can buy a ready-made scrub that is easily available in the market.

Third Step

The third step is to try out some of these home remedies mask that can help you to cure the darkness of the neck at home, and it is really very effective. You can also use all of them on your skin, and this will surely help you to get rid of the dark neck.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is best to lighten the dark pigmentation around the neck. It contains acetic acid which makes it easier to remove the darkness of the neck.

How to use

Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with water.

Mix both of them properly and then apply this mask on your neck with the help of cotton swabs.

Leave this mask for about 15 minutes.

Then rinse it off using lukewarm water.

Note: If you have delicate skin then don’t use this mask as it can harm your skin more than doing good. It can also cause acne. So, delicate skin type people shouldn’t use this mask to cure dark neck.

2. Almond oil

Almond oil

Almond oil is very effective in curing dark neck as it contains Vitamin E and a bleaching agent which helps to lighten the complexion.

How to use

Take 2 tablespoons of almond oil and massage your neck thoroughly for about 10–15 minutes.

After that use lukewarm water to wash it off.

3. Baking soda

Baking soda

Baking soda can be used to lighten the complexion of your neck.

How to use:

Take 2 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it into the water until a smooth paste.

After that apply this mask on the neck and leave it until it is completely dry.

Once you see that it is completely dried then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

4. Potato juice

Potato juice

Potato juice marks are one of the best home remedies to lighten the dark neck because it is rich in starch which works wonders to reduce the pigmentation and also it contains properties that help to remove scars from your skin.

How to use

Take a potato, peel it off and grate it. Then, take out the juice from the grated potatoes.

Apply this juice around your neck and leave it to dry completely.

Once it is dried then, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

5. Ubtan


You can prepare Ubtan also to get rid off the dark neck.

How to prepare

Take 2 tablespoons of besan (known as gram flour), a pinch of Haldi (known as turmeric), half tablespoons of lemon juice and plain yogurt. Mix all these ingredients properly and then apply this paste on your neck. Leave the mask on your neck for about 10-15 minutes or until it dries out. After that rinse it off using lukewarm water. Do this twice a week to cure a dark neck.

6. Shea butter

Shea butter

Shea butter contains some properties which help to lighten the skin tone.

How to use

Take some shea butter and apply it around your neck area with dark spots.

Massage it properly for about 5 minutes.

Prefer to apply shea butter every night before going to bed for better results.

7. Vitamin E capsule oil

Vitamin E capsule oil

Vitamin E is very good for the skin and can help even out the skin tones.

How to use

Take one capsule of Vitamin E and mix it with almond oil (try to use almond oil as it is rich in Vitamin E).

Massage it around your neck and do this procedure every day to get the best results.

8: Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is very effective to lighten dark patches as it has many medicinal properties in it.

How to use

Take one tablespoon of almond oil (you can also use coconut oil), and two drops of tea tree oil and mix both of them properly.

Then apply it around your neck and massage it for about 5-10 minutes.

After that wash it off using lukewarm water.

Fourth Step

Forth step includes the use of a cream or a lotion to moisturize the neck area and also don’t forget to wear a Sunscreen.

Follow all the four steps mentioned above. It will take some time but will give you the best results.

Also, if all these remedies don’t work then you might be suffering from the conditions mentioned below:

1. Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a condition in which the skin turns dark and thick and may feel velvety. It can appear on the neck, in folds of skin, and elsewhere on the body. It’s most commonly found in the armpits, but sometimes in other creases like the groin. It can occur in men, women, and children and may be more common in those with darker skin.

2. Dermatitis neglecta is a condition in which one’s skin changes color because of poor hygiene or it hasn’t been properly washed. It happens after sweat, bacteria, sebum, and other matter which builds as you haven’t washed it properly. It is also known as “unwashed dermatosis.”

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How to treat it?

It can be easily treated by scrubbing the area with soap, water, or alcohol and prevented by maintaining personal hygiene.

So, these all the remedies will help you to make your neck clean and glowing. These remedies are very easy to prepare at your home in just a few minutes. So, if you try these remedies then it will surely help you make your neck clean and glowing

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