How to Whiten Teeth With baking Soda

Everyone want their teeth to spark and shine bright like crystals! No doubt, those yellow stains make you feel unconscious about your smile. But don’t worry, try out these few hacks to Whiten Teeth With baking Soda.

How to Whiten Teeth With baking Soda

DIY Hacks To Whiten Teeth

1. Whiten Teeth With Salt:

Whiten Teeth With salt

• Take a little bit of salt, lemon juice and toothpaste. Mix them all together and apply them on your teeth for about 1 minute and then rinse off.
Do this 2 times a week.

• Mix a teaspoon of salt in warm water and use it as a mouthwash. It helps in both whitens your teeth and take care of your gums.

2. Whiten Teeth With Baking soda:

Whiten Teeth With baking Soda

• Take a piece of aluminum foil, put some toothpaste and baking soda on it. Apply the foil on your teeth in such a way that it fully covers it. Leave it for about 5 minutes to whiten teeth With baking soda.

3. Strawberries:

Whiten Teeth With baking Soda and Strawberries

Mash some strawberries in a bowl with the help of fork and then add half teaspoon of baking soda. Mix them both together and then apply the mixture on your teeth for about 2-4 minutes and then brush your teeth with your regular toothbrush.

4. Lemon:

Mix lemon juice and baking soda in a bowl until a thick paste and then brush it of about 2 minutes on your teeth and then rinse off.

5. Hydrogen peroxide:

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda, and a half teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide together  until it turns into a consistency of toothpaste and then brush your teeth with the mixture.

Whiten Teeth PRODUCTS

If you don’t want to try out DIY hacks for whitening teeth and then you can buy these teeth whitening products which work wonders!

1. Charcoal powder:

Brushing with charcoal powder pulls out toxins from the mouth and remove the yellow stain from the teeth.

2. Pen:

You can have a whitening smile by using the teeth whitening pen. You will see the result after a few days of using the product.

3. Strips:

Whitening strips contains a thin layer of hydrogen peroxide which helps to make your teeth appear white.

4. Kit:

Teeth whitening kits come with everything, you want to make your teeth white, do not irritate your gum and are easy to use.

5. Essence:

It helps to whiten your teeth completely and naturally by removing the plaque stain from your teeth.

Quick hack or tips for a perfect smile

Do you also want to get the smile of your dreams? Yes, who doesn’t want! Everyone’s got a smile, but here are some tips to make it look more perfect and beautiful!

1. Practice in mirror:

Practice makes things more better and perfect. So start practicing your smile in front of the mirror.

2. Use lip balms:

Your lips do play a major role when you are smiling. So, it is important to take care of them. Apply lip balm to make sure your lips appear more softer and shinier when you are smiling.

3. Think of what makes you happy:

Ask the photographer to tell you a joke. So that your smile appears more natural and true in your pictures and natural smiles are the prettiest ones.

What makes your teeth turn into yellow

Bad breath and yellowish teeth can make people around you feel uncomfortable. One of the reasons for this can be a wrong diet or brush. So make sure to avoid these foods in your diet to prevent yellow teeth.

1. Acidic food:

It can erode the enamel and make your teeth susceptible to decay over time.

2. Coffee:

It causes tooth decay and is very high in acid. Drinking it too much can weaken your enamel.

3. Wine:

Both red and white wines are not good for your teeth as they are highly acidic. It worsens tooth enamel and makes your teeth look yellow.

4. Berries:

Berries consumed in high amount is not good for your teeth. It contains natural sugar and their dark colors can stain your teeth.

5. Soda drinks:

Soda drinks can damage your teeth a lot. The acid in them weakens the tooth enamel which eventually leads to decay and cavities.

Foods which are good for your teeth health:

Eating fresh and right vegetables are very important to get a healthy smile. So, here are these food items which you should add in your meals.

1. Carrots:

It nourishes the gum and improve the blood circulation around them.

2. Oranges:

It contains acid that whitens the teeth.

3. Cheese:

Hard cheese maintain the acid-alkaline balance.

4. Eggs:

It prevents damage to the teeth.

5. Apples:

It protects against the tooth decay and remove the unpleasant smells.

Most Important teeth care tips:

These are some of the tips which are very important to take good care of your teeth and to prevent them from problems.

1. Clean your teeth atleast twice a day.
2. Don’t forget to use dental floss.
3. Use mouthwash.
4. Clean your tongue.

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