grow nails faster and naturally

How to Grow Nails Faster and Naturally

It’s true, Every woman wish to have those long and beautiful nails. Longer fingernails are a sign of beauty and vitality. But, some women face difficulty in growing their nails, and if their nails grow longer, they gets weak and at the end, they ultimately break.


Regular nail grooming can help you boost up to the strength of your nails, helps in nail growth, and reduces breakage. One must understand the importance of nail care which the goal of growing nails.

So, Read this article till the end to know about how to grow nails naturally, and protect your nails from breaking.

How to Protect your Nails from Breaking?

1. Water


When you wash your hands, Water evaporates which leaves your nails dry and makes it easy to get snap, weak, and becomes brittle. So, do moisturize your nails to prevent dryness. It will help you to protect your nails breaking.

2. Using nails to lift items

grow nails

Sometimes, you forget that you have long nails and lift something with your nails. Then what happens? Your nails break. So, make sure that you lift items using your fingers and not nails to protect them from breaking.

3. Leaving your Nails Naked

naked nails

If you want to make your nails grow faster and stronger, then apply nail polish on it. If you don’t want to use colored nail polish then you can apply transparent nail polish but don’t leave your nails naked.

Also, Make sure the nail polish you use doesn’t contain chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and sulfonamides.These chemicals are unhealthy for your nail growth.

4. Nail-Biting

nail biting

This is the most basic reason which is why most women face difficultly in growing their nails. They have a habit of biting their nails and this happens because of anxiety. It is hard to stop but if you want to grow your nails then you have to stop biting your nails now. One method which you can use to avoid nail-biting is to apply nail polish on it. Who wants to eat nail polish? Nobody.

5. Using Acetone Nail Polish Remover

Nail Polish Remover

Acetone nail polish is bad for your nails because it dries out your nails. Use acetone-free nail polish remover or if you are using acetone nail polish remover then moisturize your nails first.

6. Applying Fake Nails

Fake nails can damage your nails to a greater extent because you use glue to stick them which highly damages the health of your nails. So, avoid using fake nails if you want to grow, them longer.

So, these are some reasons which stops your nails from growing. Now, let’s learn how can we grow our nails stronger and most importantly healthier.

Essential oils can help you grow your nails faster, stronger, and is straightforward.

1. Coconut oil

There are 2 methods you can use to grow your nails.

• Don’t preheat the coconut oil in any of the methods because if you will heat it in a microwave or on a stove then some vital components will get kill which are very important to make your nails grow faster and stronger. So, use the coconut oil as they are so that your nails get all the important elements it needs to grow faster.

First method

Apply coconut oil directly to your nails. It is the easiest method and just includes only 4 steps.

• Make sure your hands are washed properly and also, are freed from any dirt.

• Take some good amount of coconut oil and apply it on your nails and don’t forget the cuticles.

• Massage the oil properly on your nails, and cuticle area for about 5-10 minutes.

• Do this method once in a day for at least 1-2 weeks for better results.

Second Method

It is also an easy method, but rather than applying oil on your nails you have to soak your nails in a bowl. Follow this procedure step by step:

  • Firstly, take out some coconut oil into a bowl (size as per your choice).
  • Then put your fingers into the bowl which contains coconut oil.
  • Let your fingers stay in the bowl for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat it every day for a week, and you will notice your nails are growing much faster than before.

2. Filing nails

Filing your nails properly can help you grow them faster and also in better shape. File it in one direction only. File your nails once a week to get good results.

3. Lemon juice remedy

Lemon juice contains vitamin C which help in growing your nails faster, and it helps to strengthen the nails.

  • Take some lemon juice in a bowl, and put one spoon of oil (you can use any oil but best recommendations would be (coconut or jojoba oil) in it.
  • Put your fingernails in the mixture, and leave it for about 5-10 minutes. Surely, do this procedure every day.

4. Proper intake of diet

A proper diet plays a vital role in growing your nails because your nails are made up of protein and also, it a basic thing to be followed if you want to grow your nails. So, It is very important that you intake a proper protein diet like eggs, beans, oats, sunflower seeds, cauliflower, bananas, meat, nuts like almonds, peanuts, and walnuts,

5. Garlic remedy

Garlic contains selenium which is the most vital element to be needed to grow stronger nails.

How to use:

  • Cut a garlic clove in half and then simply rub it on your nails.
  • Do rub it properly so that the juices are properly absorbed by your nails.

6. The Best Vitamins which help in nail growth

Moreover, You can also take supplements to grow nails. They strengthen your nails and prevent them from breaking. You can take the supplements mentioned below.

  • Vitamin A – It helps to hydrate and contains healthy cell growth which are essential for nail growth. 
  • Vitamin C – It is a source of production of collagen protein which helps to grow nails and also prevent brittle nails. 
  • Vitamin H – It contains biotin which helps in strengthening nails. Also, It contains healthy cell growth, amino acids which act as a protein building thus leading to nail growth.

Follow all the above-mentioned things to protect your nails from breaking, and do use the remedies. Maintain consistency to get good results.


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