37 Smart Travel Hacks To Solve Your Problems

Do you love travelling? Travelling and exploring the world reduces stress and make you look smarter and healthier. Travel hacks is the best way to relax and prevent depression and bad mood!

Travel hacks

We all know how intense we get when we are about to travel somewhere! With all the packing and lists, you know the stress of traveling.

Going on a trip does not have to be a problem. I will help you to make your travelling comfortable and fun with these efficient travel hacks and travel packing hacks for easy ways to pack all your essentials and avoid over packing. Following these travel hacks tips and tricks will surely save your time and money!

travel packing hacks

1. Travel Packing Hacks Create a packing list

Travel Packing Hacks

First and most important thing before packing is to make a packing list. It will make sure that you pack only those things which you actually need and avoid over packing.

2. Travel Hacks – Rolling method:

Usually people use folding method to pack there clothes in luggage but actually it is not the best way to store your clothes in luggage. Try the great travel hack – rolling method it reduces wrinkles, and save space.

3. Plan your outfit:

Travel Hacks

Always plan your outfit according to the activities that you will be doing on your trip. like Planning a beach vacation this summer or Planning a winter vacation. It will help you pack only the essential things that you actually need.

4. Use mini containers:

Women’s have a lot of beauty products! During travelling it might become difficult to take large bottles of beauty products with them. So instead use mini containers to store small amount of toothpaste, hair products and lotions.

5. Packing cubes:

Do invest in packing cubes for travelling. They not only squeeze in so many things but also makes finding your items much easier. They are useful for organizing things and create a lot of spaces.

6. Zip lock bags:

Zip lock bags

If you don’t want to invest in packing cubes you can use zip lock bags instead of them. Zip lock bags also works best for packing. Roll your clothes tightly and put them in the bags.

7. Avoid heavy suitcase:

heavy suitcase

Always buy smaller and lighter luggage for travelling rather than heavier and bulkier once. Lighter once will be easy to carry!

8. Pack your shoes in shower cap:

Undoubtedly, packing shoes is a very tricky task! So Grab your shower caps and put your shoes in them to avoid the touching of sole to your suitcase. Because you don’t know what’s on the underside of your shoes and you don’t want to put them together with your clothes!

9. Pill containers for jewelry:

Jewelry are one of the delicate items you would pack! Use pill containers to store and sort your jewelry. You can pack your dainty items in it as it will keep them safe and yes they don’t take up a lot of spaces in your luggage and are affordable too!

10. Put cables in sun-glass cases:

Do you also get annoyed when your cables are stuck in each other? Yes, everybody do! So a simple technique is to store the codes, and cables in sun-glass cases. It leads to no mess and no tangles! If you don’t have any sun-glass cases than you can simply opt for pen cases they also work the same.

11. Pack a sarong:

Ladies! Pack a sarong for your trip. Yes, I know you would be thinking that what is the need for packing them? But they are very useful no matter where you are travelling. They are multipurpose like, you can cover up your shoulders at a religious place, you can use them at beach, they are light weight and they dry up easily.

12. Pack your toiletries in plastic bottle:

For your toiletries, take a plastic bottle, and split it in half vertically and place all your items inside your towel and fold them. Then put it in your plastic bottle, and seal it with its cap and your done! Or you can simply buy travel-sized toiletries.

13. Use contact lens case to store makeup:

Store small amounts of your makeup product in contact lens case and your travel sized makeup kit will be ready!

14. Convert hoodie into a pillow:

If you want to sleep while travelling, fold your hoodie and turn it into a pillow.

15. Keep all liquid together:

Obviously nobody wants that, they have put there liquid items in different places of there luggage and when they suddenly open the luggage the liquid is spilled all over their clothes. So to avoid this situation put all your liquid together in one place, or you can pack them together in a zip lock bag.

16. Put lotions and creams in tic tac container:

Use your tic tac containers for storing small amounts of lotions and creams.

17. Consider your medications:

If you are on medications and is travelling than have enough medication for your entire trip. You can keep them in small containers.

18. Bring separate bag for laundry:

Separate your dirty clothes from fresh and clean clothes in a separate bag or in a mesh laundry bag to prevent your luggage from smelling dirty and gross.

19. Wear your heaviest clothes:

Wear your bulky, heavy jackets, shoes or hoodie on the plane that you might need in your trip. Once you are on the plane you can also remove them. It will save a lot of space in your luggage.

20. Store items in shoes:

You can use your shoes as a container! Roll your socks, pantyhose and bra tightly and put them in your shoes to keep them rigid.

21. Avoid packing soap:

Nearly every hotel you will stay will have soap! But if you are going for camping take them with you.

22. Pack some dryer sheets:

Dryer sheets will help to make your suitcase smell fresh and amazing. You can also keep dryer sheets with dirty clothes to keep them from smelling bad!
Note: Avoid using toxic dryer sheets because it contains such chemicals which can cause you health problems.

23. Protect fragile items:

For protecting your fragile items from spilling, simply take a plastic wrap and put it over the bottle than cover it with its lid. Another trick to protect your fragile items is to pack them in bubble wrap.

24. Scan your important documents, and email them to yourself:

Scan your most important documents like passport, ID, and then email them to yourself so that in case anything happens you will be able to access your documents easily!

25. Pack twice:

Yes, you read right! You should always pack twice because packing again will help you to make sure that you don’t carry such things that you don’t actually need. In short, it helps to avoid over packing.

26. Bring a portable charger:

You don’t know when your phone gets discharged, and you forgot to carry your charger or you are not able to find a place to charge it! Inst it like a bad nightmare? So to avoid such circumstances always carry a portable charger with you while travelling.

27. Carry an empty water bottle:

You should always keep yourself hydrated. So pack an empty water bottle. You can fill it any time, and drink water.

28. Pack a mini first aid kit:

Don’t forget to pack a mini first aid kit! A right medicine travel kit will make you prepare for common cold, fever, etc while travelling.

29. Pack your clothes inside out:

This method of packing clothes inside out will prevent them from stain and helps to avoid wrinkles.

30. Minimize the number of shoes:

No doubt shoes take up a lot of space in your luggage! One pair of comfortable shoes would be more than enough or instead opt for a good pair of sandals.

31. Pack valuables in hand luggage:

The best way to keep your valuables items is to pack them in your hand luggage. This will make easy for you to use them at any time without opening your luggage.

32. Avoid packing bulky clothes:

Yes, above I said that you should wear your heavy clothes but if you don’t actually need them on your trip don’t pack them as they take up a lot of spaces of your luggage like shoes. If it is really important to take them than only pack, or else try to avoid.

33. Avoid packing unnecessary items:

Unnecessary items that you don’t actually need, or you are not sure about them or you might wear them just don’t pack them. Its pretty much sure that you will not wear them. So this is one of the simple tricks to avoid over packing!

34. Put heaviest items at the bottom:

Always make sure to pack your bulkiest items like shoes at the bottom to avoid falling over.

35. Carry some snacks:

You don’t know when you will feel hungry on your trip. Pack some snacks, so that, you can eat them whenever you want.

36. Mark your baggage as fragile:

Put a fragile tag on your luggage even if it is not! It will ensure that your luggage will be handled with care, and it will arrive first at baggage claim belt.

37. Hide your money:

It is very important to save your money during travelling. Most of the travelers save their money by sewing their on protective pockets inside there pants to make sure they are safe!


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