Milk is a white liquid which is extracted from female mammals like cows, humans etc. It is rich in calcium, vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and proteins which is significant for our skin, body and hair, a good source of energy and also help to maintain blood pressure.

There is a belief that one should avoid drinking milk in the morning. The nest time to drink milk is from evening till bedtime. It also regulates sleep and waking up.

Know all about milk benefits for your skin, body, health and hair

1. Regulates blood pressure : Taking a healthy diet with low fat milk which controls blood pressure. Milk is rich in calcium which prevents high blood pressure.
2. Builds healthy bones : Milk is considered as bone building nutrient due to calcium sources present into it. Milk builds strong bines when consumed regularly.
3. Weight loss : Presence of fat nutrients help the body to remain active all day. It acts as a energy booster which encourages weight loss.
4. Strong teeth : Concentrated with calcium and other nutrients, Milk helps in maintaining strong teeth and prevents tooth decay.
5. Fight diseases : Milk is a rich source of nutrients which fights various kinds of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, bone diseases etc.

1. Glowing skin : You can get glowing skin when applied milk everyday. A mixture of lemon in raw milk can out the effect much better.
2. Fights acne : Raw Milk treats acne causing tissues . Dairy milk can cause more acne but using natural milk is much better for acne.
3. Lightens skin tone : Apply raw milk to your skin directly lightens skin tone. It is a natural way of lightning skin tone.
4. Reduces ageing spots : Raw milk is concentrated in nutrients which prevents wrinkles. It prevents ageing spots as it is rich in lactic acid.

1. Promotes hair growth : Milk is concentrated with omega 6 fatty acids, proteins , iron, zinc and other essential nutrients which fights hair loss and promotes hair growth.
2. Moisturises dry hair : By supplying beneficial nutrients to the hair, it also moisturises dry hair and nourishes the scalp.
3. Repair damaged hair : By Combining honey with milk can repair damaged hair. It fights damaging cells of hair.
4. Bring back shine to your hair : Mix coconut oil and milk and apply it to your hair which acts as a conditioner and brings back the shine of the hair.

1. Encourage good sleep : Drink milk before every sleep to have a good sleep. It is considered as the best time according to a study.
2. Maintaining eye sight : Eye sight is common these days. You can actually maintain your eye sight by drinking milk everyday after evening.
3. Prevents acidity : Milk contains fatty acids which helps and digestion and reduces acidity.
4. Boost immunity : Milk is considered as a immunity booster and energy supplier to the body because of it’s rich nutrients.
[…] milk can also help to make your eyebrows grow . Milk contains proteins like casein and whey which are very important for stimulating the hair […]