7 Body Languages To Look More Engaging and Confident

Do you feel less confident about your body language? So this is the best article for you to maintain your posture while having conversation with someone or when you’re walking down the streets. So basically, What to improve in your body language is the main question here ?

What you say is just a small part of communication. Everybody judge the person through their way of talking and body language which is quiet sensible. So, it is very important to know that, how to use your body language so you can look more attractive and confident as well before a single word comes out of your mouth.

1. Avoid your pockets

If you want to show the people that you are confident enough , then don’t put your hands in your pocket. Putting your hands in the pocket is a wrong move. It manifests the impression that you are shy or even scare. So instead of sticking your hands in the pocket, take them out and use them for conversation of purpose.

2. Don’t act boring

To look more attractive, don’t look like a boring human in a group of friends. It is a fact that the people who are funny and having a good sense of humour are seems to be very attractive. So, the better way to look humourous you should laugh freely and telling each other stories and jokes, then you will notice that the people will take active interest to find out that what is the reason that you are so funny about.

3. Avoid poor eye contact during conversation

Give full attention to your friends. You should face them , keep eye contact and smile and then , you will notice that good things would fall in your life naturally.

4. Don’t take petty steps while walking

When you take wide steps, it gives more purpose to your walk. It shows other people that you are going somewhere important and shows more confidence.
And if you take little tiny penguin steps, it shows other people that you have no confidence, you just have no plans and you are unsure of things.

5. Don’t cross your arms

When you socialize with people, don’t cross your arms when you talk because it looks intimidating and then the people thought that you are not the right person to approach or have a friendly conversation with.

6. Stop fidgeting

Some people have a bad habit of shaking their legs and shoulders when they are worried, nervous or anxious about something. So fidgeting is also a wrong move.When you are not fidgeting you are cool, calm and collected and these are all attractive features.

7. Avoid poor body posture

Keep you shoulders back is of as possible and also keep your back straight. These are the two main descents of the body trough which you are judged by the people. If you have sophisticated or bad body posture it shows that you are a lazy person and then nobody would think to interact with you.


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