At some point, we suffer from our skin problems a lot. It becomes very difficult to get rid of them. Skin problems are common for men and women both. Most of them wonder of getting rid of them naturally. Skin problems such as pimples, acne, blackheads,wrinkles etc.

Home remedies for pimples.

Let’s watch about some of the remedies which would definitely help many of us to cure out pimple problem.

1. Toothpaste

Yes, our regular white toothpaste is effective for treating pimples. Toothpaste contain components which helps in drying out the pimple particles.


• Apply the toothpaste on your pimple affected areas and leave it overnight. (Clean your face before apply anything on face).
• You can also apply the toothpaste daytime . The only thing is to keep it at least 1 hour over your pimple.

2.  Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is often said to be best friend for our skin. It works on every problem related to our skin. It’s anti-bacterial properties helps to prevent or kill the pimple causing bacteria.


• Apply the aloe Vera extract ( from the plant) to your face at least for 2-3 hours or overnight.
• You can also use aloe Vera gel available in the market.

3. Ice cubes

Ice has some of best properties to be used as a face cleanser. Ice cubes prevent the redness and inflammation of the pimples and make it almost invisible.


Rub an ice cube on the affected areas of pimples for few minutes before going to bed.

4. Honey

The presence of anti fungal properties in honey helps reduces the oil from  the face, thus treating problems of acne. It tightens the pores causing pimples or acne.


• Use honey with a mixture of cinnamon on your pimples for best use.
• Apply the paste for at least 1 hour and wash off. Try this remedy for twice a week.

5. Lemon

Lemon also known as great cleanser helps to fight the bacteria and put barrier on appearance of pimples or acne on the face.


• Just dab some lemon juice on the face before sleeping.
• Use it alternatively and use it with a little care.

6. Neem leaves (Azadirachta indica)


Using neem leaves (Azadirachta indica) is a natural way of skin care treatments. And using it for pimples is one of them.


• Boil some neem leaves until it’s color changes. Dab the water on your face for few minutes.
• You can use this remedy everyday for fast results.

7.  Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a amazing cleanser for even mild  acne treatments and bringing back the moisture on the skin. The oil basically prevents the oil from our skin and also preventing the bacteria to enter the pores.


• Apply tea tree oil twice a day on your face using a cotton pad and you will see the results in a few weeks only.

8. Green tea

The anti – inflammatory properties of green tea helps to treat acne and protecting it from harmful bacteria entering the pores to cause mild acne.


Drinking green tea would be perfect solution of treating pimples.

Foods which fights acne

1. Cucumber

Due to excessive water content in the cucumber, it helps to provide proper water balance to the face and body which fights the  acne germs.

2. Garlic

It is rich in selenium so it flattens the pimple on the face and helps to get rid of it overnight.


• Best way of using garlic for pimple is to use it with apple cider vinegar.

3. Eggs

Having a breakfast with eggs or applying egg white over the pimples dries out them and also protects from sun.

4. Fruits

Fruits like oranges and melons are rich source of vitamin-C and it’s anti bacterial properties helps to treat the inflammation of pimple.

5. Tomatoes 

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin -A and vitamin-C which is good for prevention and clearing of acne.

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