Relationships are not always meant to hold each other’s hand in public, posting pictures on social media or hanging out every single day. Long distance relationship have a different spark being compared to normal one.
Long distance relationships are considered to be very challenging and tough, but with recent media facility, it ease down the difficulties at some level.

Without seeing a partner for months or even years in some cases could suck but no, not in everyone’s case. But, the feeling of meeting someone for the first months is just unexpressable.
Despite facing many challenges, most of the LDRs last long. To make your long distance relationship more strong , we are here with.
15 tips which will definitely help to stay with your soulmate forever
1. Set a Goal or Target
For a relationship to last long, both the partners are required to consider some practical and realistic goals.
The main motive of having a set goal or plan let your partner curious and awaited for so many better inexperienced things in near future.
Goals should be a part of every LDR, as it improves your relationship, anyhow. These relationship goals include career, financial support or respecting each other’s individual targets.
2. Understand Each Other’s Schedule
It is possible to have different time schedule than your partner. This mismatch could lead to many issues or arguments.
You must understand your partner’s schedule so that your partner could provide whole attention towards you.
When you got to know about each other’s schedule, you’ll be able to manage your time into other works.
3.Trust your partner
One of the important rule of relationship is to build trust with your partner. If your past relationship didn’t worked, it doesn’t mean that your partner will betray you.
Yes, trust takes time to build up into any relationship. When you trust your partner, it means you are fully confident with him.
Try some of the basic trust building methods to make your relationship stronger. You could just share social media passwords, or socialize together, never lie your partner.
Just consider some basic rules or trust and you will be able to build your trust towards your partner easily and effectively.
4. Focus on quality conversation
Communication is the key to a stronger relationship. But, meaningless conversations may lead to boredom after sometime.
You need to focus on deeper conversation and spend some quality time with your partner on your phone.
It’s not necessary to talk each and every hour of the day because you miss your partner or any other reason. Either wait for your partner to manage quality time for you.
5. Embrace the challenges
Being in a relationship is about being together in every ups and downs.
A relationship is never perfect and could lead to many tough challenges which will definitely hurt you or demotivate you.
But you are required to fix those challenges and embrace them so that your partner stays with you for a long time.
6. Leave past
Not all relationships last long, this means you have definitely experienced a bad relationship in the past. But, when you set your mind to move on, you must move on.
If your want a happy relationship, you have to leave your past and forget everything.
If the past relationship stays in your mind, you are successfully ruining your current relationship too.
7. Make proper time
Communicate with your partner everyday. Try to make a convenient daily schedule which matches your partner’s too. So that you’ll be able to manage proper time to give to your partner.
8. Stay positive
The honest answer to a happy relationship is to stay positive. Negativity can ruin your relationship badly.
Always try to sort things in a positive way and have faith in him.
If you think negative, automatically good things will change it’s turn. If anything happens, think that you and your partner will figure it out anyhow.
9. Never lie to each other
Lying should never be opted in any kind of situation in a relationship.
A simple rule we all have been taught by our elders that ” We have to speak 100 lies to conceal that 1 lie ” .
It’s better to tell everything honestly to your partner so that it will not destroy your relationship at any cost.
10. Set ground rules
Every relationship must have some ground rules to encourage each other’s love and care.
Ground rules in a long distance relationship should be simple and set with each other’s consent.
Rules must include :
- Never switch off the phone.
- Don’t hide things.
- Sending texts everyday.
- Consulting your partner whenever necessary.
- Ask freely about everything.
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